How To Lose Belly Fat For Women

In fact the fat loss subject is one of the hottest subjects discussed on the internet, in forums discussion, on fat loss pages and groups on facebook, because losing fat or losing weight is essential for women and men who need to maintain their good relationship with the opposite sex.Most women as a lot of us may used some belts or chemical products to lose her belly fat, but unfortunately they failed to see any fast or even any results, because losing fat in the belly area needs very specific exercises, very specific diets and very specific fat loss methods. I think these are the best tips to help you to lose belly fat, it is suitable for most women; even women over 40, some needs to be done at home, others need to be done in the gem.1.      Drink more and more water: Drinking much water before eating not only help your body to digest well, not only help your body metabolism, but also prevent you from eating more foods for each meal.2.      Eat more than 5 meals every day: this help your body to prevent more fat storage.3.      Fixed time meals are very good for losing belly fat.4.      Don’t take alcohols: because alcohol mainly contain sugar which finally converted to fats, especially in the abdominal or belly area5.      Take vegetables before every meal, this fill your stomach and prevent you from eating more6.      Walking for about 15 minutes every day7.      Do some abdominal exercises for about 5 minutes, this is very helpful to lose belly fat. Some women don’t like fat loss exercises, for every thing there is an alternative, for example sauna is very good for fat burning.8.      Follow an expert’s diet to help you to find which food to eat, which to avoid.There are many tips to help you to lose belly fat especially for women we will mention a lot of them in the next articles so keep following to get the best belly fat loss for women, thank you, see you soon.

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Best Exercises To Lose Belly Fat For Women

It is the best thing for women to have a six pack, many women ask how to lose belly fat fast, what is the best exercise to have a flat abs, a lot of us may try several diets, starvation and a collection of workout but unfortunately without any results.But don’t be desperate to lose belly fat because it is easy if you follow the fat loss expert's recommendation, why the body stores the fats especially in the stomach or the belly area especially for women? Is there an exercise specific for the belly fat? In fact, the best belly fat loss result is a combination of good exercise and professional diet, if  you do the exercise alone, your body will consumed more food and will store more fats as well, especially in the belly area, also if you do a diet alone, a starvation may occur and your body muscles may be affected, without losing belly fat.The important conditions in any exercise to lose belly fat especially in women, is to be easy to be done, because most women don’t like the hard and tiring exercises because of their body nature, also women love to see fast results in their fat loss exercises, you should enjoy the exercises as well as seeing the belly fat loss results.These are the best collected exercises to lose belly fat, I choose them from hundred fat loss exercises to be suitable for women: 1. The Bicycle Exercise - best for targeting the six pack muscles and the obliques. To do this exercise, get into a supine position with hands at the back of your head. Bring knees to the chest while lifting shoulders off the floor. Slowly bring your right elbow towards your left knee as you straighten your right leg. Switch sides and continue in a pedaling motion. Do 1 to 3 sets with 12 to 16 repetitions. 2. Leg Raise - This exercise requires a captain's chair, a rack with padded arms allowing for the legs to hang free that is commonly found in gyms or health clubs. To do this exercise, stand on the chair and grip hand holds. Press back against the pad then raise knees to the chest to contract the abs then lower them back down. Do 1 to 3 sets with 12 to 16 repetitions.

3. Exercise Ball Crunch - For this exercise, an exercise ball is necessary. In this routine, the abdomen does more exerting but will still need the entire body to stabilize it throughout the routine. To do this exercise, lie on the ball with your lower back fully supported. Place hands behind the head. To lift the torso off the ball, contract the abs to pull the bottom of the rib cage towards the hips. Keep ball stable as you curl up, then lower back down to stretch the abs. Do 1 to 3 sets with 12 to 16 repetitions.

4. Vertical Leg Crunch - Performing this exercise is similar to doing a leg crunch except that the legs are straight up, forcing the abs to work and adding intensity to the routine. To do this, lie on the floor with the legs straight up, knees crossed, and place the hands beneath the head for support. Contract abs lifting the shoulders off the floor and keep legs in a fixed position to crunch. Do 1 to 3 sets with 12 to 16 repetitions.

5. Long Arm Crunch - This is a variant of the traditional floor crunch where the arms are held straight behind you, adding a lever to the move and making for a challenging exercise. To do this, lie on the floor or a mat then extend arms straight behind, keeping them clasped and next to the ears. Slowly contract abs and lift shoulders off the floor carefully to keep the arms straight. Do 1 to 3 sets with 12 to 16 repetitions..

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How To Lose Belly Fat Fast For Women - My Helpful Recommendation

How to lose belly fat fast for women, is a very important question that needs quick answer, because of the risk of stomach fat especially in women, these risks may be in the relation between the wife and her husband, because of the unattractive appearance of the wife. Most men love six pack women, and love to see their wives without belly fats.The second risk of belly fat is the healthy problems caused by this fat around the abdomen, such as diabetes, heart diseases, high blood pressure and stoke. Also these fats break down into fatty acids then flow into liver causing many liver dysfunctions. Also there are many healthy risk come from belly fats:The women are more likely to die of heart diseases due to fats around abdomen.Women need gallstone surgery because of belly fats.Women also have problems during pregnancy due to presence of belly fat.We all "men and women" suffer from belly fat, but the hope still present, yes you can lose belly fat fast and quickly. Even women above 30 years old can follow this belly fat loss tips to achieve their fat loss goals.Belly fat loss tips for women: Eat these foods more and more:Cruciferous Vegetables: consume large amounts of these "belly flatters": broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, radish, turnip and beet root.Insoluble Fiber: these can help bring about hormonal balance causing you to burn fat around the belly quicker.They include: whole-wheat bread, barley, couscous, brown rice, whole-grain cereal, seeds, cucumber, tomatoes and wheat bran.Citrus Fruits: these include lemons, limes, grapefruit, tangerines and oranges. You will lose weight a lot faster if you eat large amounts of these fruits.For a diet designed to lose belly fat, thighs fat and bum fat I highly recommend that combination of diet and exercise Ebook, It's the first fat loss diet I've followed which kept me 100% satisfied all the time, you can download this ebook here Set your belly fat loss goal: decide how much fat you want to lose around your waist, what diet you can use, what exercise you will do, and how many times a week you will do your belly fat loss exercises.Drink water and water and water: drinking much water not only raise your body metabolism but also make you feel fuller, so you will not eat more foods.Keep your plate colored and you are well on your way to lose belly fat fast.Avoid the loaded with calories and fat fast foods.Stop taking sodaDo the best exercises to lose belly fat Keep your belly fat loss exercises and diet even after you see the required results.Don’t starve yourself.Eat 5-6 small meals every day.Sleeping well is very good to lose belly fat.Reduce your sugar intake as possible.Take vitamin c as much as possible, this is very well to lose belly fat fastSlow down your breath.These are very fast and helpful tips to lose belly fat quickly especially for women, in you need more professional tips, exercises and diet, I highly recommend this fantastic program you can check it out here

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Best Home Treadmill - Things To Consider Before Buying a Treadmill

Best Home Treadmill - Things To Consider Before Buying a TreadmillIn case you prefer to spend your cash in a cardio workout machine than a gym membership, purchasing a treadmill is certainly a clever choice. The treadmill in your home offers immediate access and convenience. In case you are wanting to purchase a treadmill, there are a variety of things of which you must be informed. Listed below is a list of considerations to aid you in making the right buying decision.

Cushioning is a shock-absorbent layer under the belt created to minimize the impact of your feet on the device. A proper cushioning on a treadmill helps secure the ligaments, joints and the spine while working out. A bad cushioning could cause an injury and discomfort. Individuals have had significant injuries after using ill-cushioned treadmills; some even find it hard to walk on it. Excellent cushioning is specifically crucial for prolonged workouts, such as running 5k on a treadmill. Rubber is one of the most common material used in treadmill cushioning systems, and that's good, due to the fact that it's what you want to have. The best treadmill for running would use rubber elastomers, that are placed between the deck and the frame at different areas.

An important aspect of any kind of motorized treadmill is the hp rating of its motor. A more powerful motor can deal with bigger, heavier individuals, and a treadmill with a wimpy motor will not survive as long as one with a larger motor. Most treadmill motors vary from 1.5 HP to 3.0 HP with the more economical treadmills offering lower power motors that simply will not last. Treadmill producers use 2 types of motor ratings: some list horsepower (HP) and others list continuous horsepower (CHP). You ought to look for the continuous duty rating. Some producers unfairly blow up ratings by pointing out peak horsepower-generally a greater number and not appropriate for joggers, who require continuous power for their treadmills. A good entry-level model will certainly have at the very least 1.5 horsepower continuous duty. If you run a lot on your treadmill you might wish to obtain a 2.5 HP motor.

The treadmill belt dimension is an important component in your treadmill. Belts could be single ply or 2 ply. Look for a 2 ply surface belt with a minimum width of 17 ins. You will discover belt and deck lengths from around 45 inches to over 60 inches. In case you are a jogger, get a running or belt surface length of 60 ins as a minimum. In case you only wish to walk on your treadmill look for a minimum belt surface length of 48 ins. The longer and wider a running belt is, the more comfy and positive you will feel on the treadmill.

Before you fall in love with a treadmill and its components, you need to first fall in love with the warranty. The best home treadmill generally covers about 30 years for the structure, a minimum of 5 years for the motor and about a year for other components and labor. The longer the duration of the warranty, the better is the quality.

With all of the attributes available on the market now, selecting a treadmill may be a difficult experience. Now that you have these suggestions you can begin shopping with assurance and find the best home treadmill.

Want More information about the hottest treadmill and where to get the best deals online? Simply CLICK HERE.

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The Best Time to Eat Carbs and Proteins to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle

The Best Time to Eat Carbs and Proteins to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle Many people chose to go on a low carbs diet in order to lose weight and gain some muscle. But if you follow such a diet you still need to consume some carbohydrates, and the questions is when it is a good time to do so? We all heard that is not a good idea to eat carbs at night or after 6 pm.

In order to lose weight and gain some muscle you
need to eat between 4 to 6 meals a day. If there are days when you train really hard, you should have a snack before and after your workout. This snack
should be composed of 60% protein, 20% carbs and 20% fats. Usually a whey protein shake with milk, cheese and some natural fat (like peanut butter) will do the trick. It is also a good idea to have a small meal before going to bed so that your metabolism does not slows down.

When to eat carbs?

The best time to eat carbs is 30 minutes prior to your training session and 30 after the training.

Remember to also add some high quality protein and fat.

The reason you eat carbs before a workout is to get that boost of energy you need in order to complete your training. It is recommended to consume carbohydrates after a workout because you need to replenish the source of energy lost during your training, so that you can rebuild the muscles.

When to eat Proteins?

We all know that we should consume a protein shake right after a workout in order to rebuild muscles. But studies showed that eating proteins before your training session also has benefits. You get a higher response from your body when you eat proteins before and this can have a huge positive impact on your workout.

Therefore you should consume both, proteins and carbs before and after an workout. It is also important to mention that proteins should be taken within 30 minute of completing your training session in order to get the most benefits. Research shows that people who consumed proteins 2h after their workout did not show an increase in muscle size as the ones that took proteins immediately after the workout.

The need to take supplements before and after a workout for maximum benefits was also proven by a study made by Cribb and Hayes. Young men that performed weight lifting and resisting training had more strength and muscle gains if they had a protein/carbs supplement before and after their workout then the ones that consumed the same supplement in the morning and evening.

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The Best Fat Burning Workout For Women

The Best Fat Burning Workout For Women Are you in search of the best fat burning workout for women? If so, then you will probably be disappointed at knowing that there is no such thing as "best" although there are some workouts that are better than others. Some of the most popular workouts are super-sets, circuits, intervals, and even body weight workouts. The great thing about these four types of workouts is that they are all focused on people who want to get a quality workout in a short amount of time. If you are a busy mom then some of these workouts can even be done at home. Whatever your circumstance may be there is a workout for every woman.

Body Weight Workouts

Some people would argue that using your body-weight is the best fat burning workout for women. This is a big claim to make but using your own body weight for resistance does have its advantages. A good thing about using your body-weight is that you will never need a single iron weight because your body provides all the resistance. So whether you are a mom at home or a business woman at a hotel room you can do these workouts wherever you are at. Some would even argue that using your own weight is a lot harder than using free weights. Whether this is true or not the only important thing is that you can always do a workout without a gym.

Interval Training Workouts

Interval training is also great because it is an amazing fat burning workout for women. Intervals can be done at home if you have a treadmill. If you are at a hotel room then you are also in luck because 99 percent of hotel rooms now have treadmills. The awesome thing about doing intervals is that they only take about 20 minutes to complete. In those 20 minutes you will shed more belly fat than with any other cardio program.

As you can see, there are plenty of good workouts for women. Some other ones to consider are super-set training and circuit training. These workouts are good because they help you build muscle and you build cardiovascular endurance at the same time.

Did you know that you can get in shape with just 3 workouts a week? Read our Turbulence Training Review at our Womens Fitness Blog [] to find out how. For more information visit, [].

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Quick Weight Loss 101

When we decide to lose weight we want to see results fast. There are some diets for quick weight loss that produce short term results. The problems with rapid weight loss is the results can be short lived. However there are ways to lose weight fast and keep it of. It's important to know the healthy ways to lose weight fast. Short Term Diets That Give Results It is important that whenever you are looking into a diet you know it's potential for good and bad. Here are some fast weight loss methods.
When we decide to lose weight we want to see results fast. There are some diets for quick weight loss that produce short term results. The problems with rapid weight loss is the results can be short lived. However there are ways to lose weight fast and keep it of. It's important to know the healthy ways to lose weight fast.Short Term Diets That Give ResultsIt is important that whenever you are looking into a diet you know it's potential for good and bad. Here are some fast weight loss methods.
3 Day Diet: This diet is designed for short term use. It has an individual losing their water weight by following a very specific diet plan. The plan is designed to have exceptional metabolic reactions between the foods that it requires. This is a restrictive diet that is designed to boost fat burning.Cabbage Soup Diet: This diet has been around for years, and in many different forms. It is a very restrictive diet which has survived over time. The cabbage diet lists what you can eat each day of the week. Since cabbage soup being the main menu choice, this diet can get old quickly. So do it one week at a time. It offers very short term results.Grapefruit Diet: This diet has been around since the 1930s and is still going strong. This fast weight loss method is meant to be used for 12 days. This diet is very restrictive, if food isn't allotted in the diet it isn't allowed at all. This is a diet that said to help you lose weight through the ingestion of the unsweetened grapefruit juice. The truth is that you reduced calorie intake and this will encourage weight loss. There isn't a specific reason the grapefruit works other than it is a extremely nutritious and a low-calorie fruit.Negative Calorie Diet: The negative calorie diet allows you to consume as much as you wish of certain foods. Those foods are negative calorie foods. They gain this name because it takes more calories to chew and process these foods than are in the foods. This is used as a diet for quick weight loss, as it doesn't balance foods correctly.Long Term Tricks to Weight LossThere are some fast weight loss methods that can hold you for long term weight loss. These are diets that start off with fast results and long term ability to keep off weight.Low carb diet: This diet restricts you to only eating lean protein in the first stage. This forces the body into a ketosis stage that allows the body fat to burn rather than the ingested carbohydrates. It needs careful planning however as eating only protein can play havoc on your digestive system. Some form of fiber is essential. This helps you feel full as well as continue to encourage healthy bowels.Don't Skip Meals: It is important you don't skip meals. It might even be a good idea to increase the number of meals we eat. This doesn't mean to add in full meals more times in the day, but to reduce all meal sizes allowing the ability to snack through the day. Every time we eat we wake up our bodies. We begin to digest food, causing us to lose calories. It is important to remember to never skip breakfast. This is one important meal; it has been shown that a person eats more calories in a day when one doesn't eat breakfast.Exercise and Strength Training: This is something that most diets will encourage. Exercise alone will not make you lose weight, however in conjunction with healthy eating it can do more than one might think. To increase muscle tone can increase the calories that you will use on an average basis. The suggestion is that 10 pounds of muscle can burn 30 more calories than 10 pounds of fat per day. That being said the more vigorous exercising you do the more calories you burn and the more weight you lose. However it can be as simple as taking a brisk walk every day.There are many things that people do over the years to lose weight, however only a portion of them are meant for the long term weight loss. No matter what you decide on for weight loss; remember to talk to your doctor or nationalist regarding your weight loss plan. Know which ones are meant for short term, which is meant for a longer term. Find something that you are capable of doing with little regrets. These are the diets for quick weight loss, because giving up will never work.

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How to Lose Weight With Healthier Eating

 How to Lose Weight With Healthier Eating Unfortunately, thanks to technology and the spread of information, nutrition isn't as simple as it used to be. Plenty of health advice abounds on the internet and in the media. How can you know what is true and what is just an expensive trend? Start off by correcting these common mistakes.

Seemingly healthy substitutions

Do you justify your fast-food habit by ordering grilled chicken instead of greasy beef? Substitutions like this don't always make your meal healthier; in fact, they can make it even worse. Chicken used at
fast-food chains is sometimes injected with a salty brine to keep it moist, which jacks up the sodium content. If your sandwich has bacon and cheese on it as well, you might end up with more calories than a burger.

Here are a few other questionable swaps:
Ground turkey for ground beef: Ground turkey often contains dark meat, which is high in saturated fat. To get lean turkey, make sure its ground turkey breast.Turkey bacon for pork bacon: When it comes to bacon, read the labels. Pork and turkey both have fatty and lean options. Counting calories and skipping snacks

If you're counting calories to lose weight, it may seem logical to cut out snacks to reduce your daily calorie intake. What this actually does is increase your hunger and fatigue during the long break between lunch and dinner. While it is good to cut out unhealthy, processed snacks, the act of snacking is still important. Choose nuts to keep you full longer or fruit for low calories.

Another time that you don't want to cut out snacking is before heading to the gym. While you shouldn't fill your stomach, eating a 100 to 200 calorie snack 30 minutes beforehand will give you the extra boost of energy you need to have a productive workout and burn more calories. Try to mix carbs and protein, such as a slice of whole grain bread with peanut butter.

Boosting your vegetable intake

You've been trying to add more vegetables to your diet, so you've been boiling a few servings each night to have with dinner. Whats the problem? Unfortunately, many of the vitamins seep out into the water and get dumped down the drain. To cook your vegetables but still retain the nutrients, opt for steaming or even microwaving instead.

Another practice that will lose you nutrients is stocking up on fruits and vegetables and using them for a week or more. As soon as a vegetable is harvested, the nutrients in it begin to deteriorate. Spinach loses 50 percent of its folate in just one week. Here's what you can do:
Make a few trips to the grocery store throughout the week instead of one at the beginning.Buy local to reduce transit time after harvesting.Buy frozen foods, which are often flash frozen a few hours after harvesting.Shawna is an avid writer about wellness and holistic health, including tips for a healthier life style. Find similar subjects from an Austin wellness center focused on longevity and weight loss in Austin, TX through its mind/body exercise programs.

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Eliminate Belly Fat in Only 6 Simple Steps

Are you looking forward to eliminate belly fat ,Yet not knowing where or how to start prevent you from doing so, and you want to tone and flatten your belly once and for all ? If so, you will find a variety of techniques that can be used to do this, and many of them are written in this post that I created for you.Belly fat may be due to overeating , a number of diseases , and in some cases a delay belonging to body metabolism. But first, how overeating and a lifestyle that is lethargic and / or idle assets . If you fit the description, the fat away from your internal organs ( near the stomach ), which suggests that its belly is sure to get more , unfortunately.In this post , I've included some tips on how to eliminate belly fat so that it can be cured in a few weeks :A . Instead of eating foods that are processed, follow the natural and organic way . Since you and I know , processed foods come with an excess of sugar , saturated fat , salt and high cholesterol which is certainly not what you need to feed your body for the day. Start avoiding foods that you know shows a production line , such as mass-produced food is of poor quality ( in general).Two . Eat plenty of foods that contain protein in If you want to eliminate belly fat , for example , lean meats , chicken , fish and egg whites too . If you exercise, drink a protein shake can be good for you, especially if it is milk protein pure whey. However, do not overload you or proteins , which could cause problems in your body too.Also, please stop eating pork , pork is known to trigger people develop fat , diabetes , trichinosis (towards the inside of your body essentially ) , hypertension , and a number of other health problems.Three . Eat foods that have a lot of carbohydrates, such as certain brands of cereals, whole wheat bread instead of white bread, rice, potatoes, and certainly vegetables. You can eat potatoes as well , as are excellent carbohydrates, but adds elements potatoes fattening if consumed .April. Avoid foods that contain sodium nitrite , for example , ham, pepperoni , bacon, and Bologna , which are branches of pork, unfortunately. Sodium nitrite is a really good method to cause cancer if many medical studies apparently indicate .May If you want to eliminate belly fat , well, make sure you only eat foods rich in fiber and rich in vitamins and minerals. This material give your body ample enough nutrients to help metabolize food at an extremely fast pace if you can remain stable with a healthy diet.6 . An unusual extra tip may be to " twist in the wind " , so to speak. What I mean is that you should make an attempt to turn around his torso laterally , as this could effectively eliminate belly fat you quickly. Other than that, you are able to perform this step or while sitting inside his office.

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Breaking The Weight Loss Plateau For Women Over 50

Breaking The Weight Loss Plateau For Women Over 50Women over 50 have some special considerations when it comes to losing weight. If you have been on a diet for a few weeks and your weight loss has begun to plateau, you are not alone. It is common to have a slowdown of weight loss after a few weeks, but even though this is common, it does not have to happen.

After the age of 50 your metabolism slows, which can make it harder for your body to burn fat. This slowing of the metabolism is partly due to a drop in estrogen that comes with menopause and partly due to a loss of muscle mass that tends to occur with age. These factors combined with the wrong diet and exercise can easily land you on a weight loss plateau.

Use these tips to break your weight loss plateau:

1. Drop The Grains For A Week. Grains, especially whole grain foods are good for your body. However, they also cause a spike in insulin when you eat them and this can lead to increased fat storage, especially if you are one of the millions of people who is insulin resistant.

For one week reduce or eliminate bread, cereal, pasta and other grains from your diet. You can replace the lost calories with salad greens and protein foods, to keep hunger away.

2. Cut Out The Trans Fats. Trans fats are found in most boxed or bagged meals and convenience foods. You will even find them in pre-packaged meals that are labeled "diet foods." Trans fats have been shown to increase fat storage, especially in the belly area, which is a hard place for women over the age of 50 to lose.

3. Time Your Exercise. You may be exercising, but if you are not taking full advantage of the best times to exercise you might find that your fat is not burning off.

To break a weight loss plateau shift your aerobic exercise to first thing in the morning, before breakfast. This is the time of day that your body has a natural metabolic boost and it is more likely to burn stored body fat for energy.

Another way to time your exercise for more energy and fat burning is to exercise before a carbohydrate meal. Your muscles store carbohydrates for energy. After a workout the stored carbs in your muscles are depleted. By eating carbs soon after a vigorous workout the carbs are shuttled into your muscle to be used for energy, instead of being shuttled into your fat cells for storage.

If you are a woman over 50 who has hit a weight loss plateau you can get your weight dropping again by reducing your grains intake, eliminating trans fats and getting the most from your exercise routine. And remember, the best time to take action is right now.

Are you looking for a motivational boost? Read the goals of other women over 50 and see how your goals stack up to theirs. I guarantee their inspiring stories will give you the motivation to reach your goal!

PLUS... you will receive my free report "How to Keep Your Body in a Fat Burning State 24/7", where you will learn how to gain control over hormones that control weight loss. Get the Free Report and Read Goals by clicking the link.

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Fat Loss Facts - The Myth of "Spot Reducing"

 Fat Loss Facts - The Myth of "Spot Reducing" Loss Myth Dispelled

Some people go into fat loss programs targeting specific areas of their bodies. Obviously they are unhappy with those parts and say things like, "I must get rid of these love-handles." If you happen to be one of them, this article is for you. It will uncover the plain and simple truth of "spot reducing," reasons why fat must be burned, and how can a simple program reverse the creeping obesity.
Plain and Simple Truth

When people talk about shedding those ugly fats at specific areas of the body, it only meant one thing - spot reducing. However, there is no such thing as localized fat loss, plain and simple. Whatever exercise or regimen you do, it affects the whole body and not just a particular area.

Muscle and fat always go together. When you see some flabby excesses, the muscle is still present but cannot be perceived visually because it is covered by excess fat. The extra build up of fat in these areas maybe caused by genetic predisposition or a lack of physical activity for a certain period of time. That is why a good fat loss program invariably halts further development of fat tissues.

When one goes into a fat loss regimen which usually involves some form of exercise, the fat components slowly melt. It dispels another myth that fat is turned into muscle simply because it's just not possible. Fat and muscle are composed of different cell types and one cannot be converted into the other. Fat loss in this instance is only replaced with an increase in muscle size, making it more noticeable.

Why Fat Must Be Burned

But why must we burn fat? Why focus on fat loss rather than weight loss? By nature, fat is supposed to be burned as we use energy in activities. As we grow older, however, our activities seem to slacken.

When that happens, fat builds up and unnecessarily becomes excess weight. When weight goes over normal, it brings various diseases aside from the discomfort of "heaviness." Overweight people have high risk of stroke and other heart diseases due to the extra weight pressure. Even before this stage is reached, fat loss becomes imperative.

Some of those on fat loss regimen want to lose weight fast. This could be achieved but the result is very short term, and the weight lost is also regained just as fast. Our body's mechanism is so designed that it does not tolerate abrupt changes and is quick to develop countermeasures to bring it "back to normal." Slowly does it, and a gradual fat loss equivalent to 200 grams a day would be ideal. Beyond that, the effect would be very unstable. It may no longer be fat loss but a loss of muscle tissue, which is counterproductive.

Can Fat Loss Program Reverse the Creeping Obesity?

Overweight and obesity are two different things. Being overweight is weighing beyond the normal standard, while being obese is having a very high proportion of body fat. Weight loss, in most cases, is just tantamount to attacking the symptom and depends a great deal on the bathroom scale. Fat loss, on the other hand, is taking care of the cause and is particularly concerned with the BMI (body mass index) - the body weight relative to height and is correlated with total body fat.

A simple regimen can be incorporated in your daily routine which greatly helps in accomplishing your fat loss goals:

Regimen 1: Lose Weight - This can be done by consciously watching your eating habits. The equation is simple: if intake (eating) is more than output (activity), you will be adding weight. Make output more than your intake to reduce weight. This is a good way to start your fat loss program.

Regimen 2: Increase Physical Activity - Simple activity as walking often tips the balance of the scales. One system suggests 10,000 steps a day, but do it gradually. And don't be overwhelmed by the numbers, you don't even have to count when you do it.

Regimen 3: Be Aware of Stressors - It has been known that stress contributes to the problems of obesity. Live a simple life and do something to relax the body and mind daily. It could be yoga, meditation, or simply listening to soothing sounds of nature. Or you might want to try a subliminal recording if you're so inclined.

Regimen 4: Increase Fiber Intake - Fiber helps clean the intestinal organs, including fat deposit. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" makes a lot of sense. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables daily and your goals would be easier to achieve.

Regimen 5: Supplement With Supplements - When we get older, our body processes becomes slower and cannot anymore get enough nutrients from foods we eat. This is where supplements come in handy. Fat loss programs have good recommendations, but be choosy and make sure you know what you're getting. There's more meaning to the labels than meets the eye.

Fat loss or weight loss? This is the question some people ask, especially those who want results fast. It is aggravated by the misconception of "spot reducing" which is hyped by some entrepreneurial spirits.

Knowing the plain and simple truth of "spot reducing," why fat must be burned, and doing a simple fat loss program to reverse the creeping obesity, you're on your way to live a longer, healthier and happier life.

Rey Misoles is a management consultant and health enthusiast for more than two decades. Learn more about the real weight loss - fat loss - and get your FREE Weight Loss Oracle here: Loss Myth Dispelled
Some people go into fat loss programs targeting specific areas of their bodies. Obviously they are unhappy with those parts and say things like, "I must get rid of these love-handles." If you happen to be one of them, this article is for you. It will uncover the plain and simple truth of "spot reducing," reasons why fat must be burned, and how can a simple program reverse the creeping obesity.
When people talk about shedding those ugly fats at specific areas of the body, it only meant one thing - spot reducing. However, there is no such thing as localized fat loss, plain and simple. Whatever exercise or regimen you do, it affects the whole body and not just a particular area.
Muscle and fat always go together. When you see some flabby excesses, the muscle is still present but cannot be perceived visually because it is covered by excess fat. The extra build up of fat in these areas maybe caused by genetic predisposition or a lack of physical activity for a certain period of time. That is why a good fat loss program invariably halts further development of fat tissues.
When one goes into a fat loss regimen which usually involves some form of exercise, the fat components slowly melt. It dispels another myth that fat is turned into muscle simply because it's just not possible. Fat and muscle are composed of different cell types and one cannot be converted into the other. Fat loss in this instance is only replaced with an increase in muscle size, making it more noticeable.
But why must we burn fat? Why focus on fat loss rather than weight loss? By nature, fat is supposed to be burned as we use energy in activities. As we grow older, however, our activities seem to slacken. When that happens, fat builds up and unnecessarily becomes excess weight. When weight goes over normal, it brings various diseases aside from the discomfort of "heaviness." Overweight people have high risk of stroke and other heart diseases due to the extra weight pressure. Even before this stage is reached, fat loss becomes imperative.
Some of those on fat loss regimen want to lose weight fast. This could be achieved but the result is very short term, and the weight lost is also regained just as fast. Our body's mechanism is so designed that it does not tolerate abrupt changes and is quick to develop countermeasures to bring it "back to normal." Slowly does it, and a gradual fat loss equivalent to 200 grams a day would be ideal. Beyond that, the effect would be very unstable. It may no longer be fat loss but a loss of muscle tissue, which is counterproductive.
Can Fat Loss Program Reverse the Creeping Obesity?
Overweight and obesity are two different things. Being overweight is weighing beyond the normal standard, while being obese is having a very high proportion of body fat. Weight loss, in most cases, is just tantamount to attacking the symptom and depends a great deal on the bathroom scale. Fat loss, on the other hand, is taking care of the cause and is particularly concerned with the BMI (body mass index) - the body weight relative to height and is correlated with total body fat.
A simple regimen can be incorporated in your daily routine which greatly helps in accomplishing your fat loss goals:
Regimen 1: Lose Weight - This can be done by consciously watching your eating habits. The equation is simple: if intake (eating) is more than output (activity), you will be adding weight. Make output more than your intake to reduce weight. This is a good way to start your fat loss program.
Regimen 2: Increase Physical Activity - Simple activity as walking often tips the balance of the scales. One system suggests 10,000 steps a day, but do it gradually. And don't be overwhelmed by the numbers, you don't even have to count when you do it.
Regimen 3: Be Aware of Stressors - It has been known that stress contributes to the problems of obesity. Live a simple life and do something to relax the body and mind daily. It could be yoga, meditation, or simply listening to soothing sounds of nature. Or you might want to try a subliminal recording if you're so inclined.
Regimen 4: Increase Fiber Intake - Fiber helps clean the intestinal organs, including fat deposit. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" makes a lot of sense. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables daily and your goals would be easier to achieve.
Regimen 5: Supplement With Supplements - When we get older, our body processes becomes slower and cannot anymore get enough nutrients from foods we eat. This is where supplements come in handy. Fat loss programs have good recommendations, but be choosy and make sure you know what you're getting. There's more meaning to the labels than meets the eye.
Fat loss or weight loss? This is the question some people ask, especially those who want results fast. It is aggravated by the misconception of "spot reducing" which is hyped by some entrepreneurial spirits. Knowing the plain and simple truth of "spot reducing," why fat must be burned, and doing a simple fat loss program to reverse the creeping obesity, you're on your way to live a longer, healthier and happier life.Rey Misoles is a management consultant and health enthusiast for more than two decades. Learn more about the real weight loss - fat loss - and get your FREE Weight Loss Oracle here: [] Article Source:

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best way to lose belly fat for women over 50

Every day women over 50 bombarded with images of young, thin women with really flat abs. So it is natural that women who grew up watching photos have these flat belly abs want something similar. So the question is what all women ask is the best way to lose belly fat for women over 50? Well, the concept of time in the beauty and health exchange constantly. Before the Middle Ages, women with curves were the symbol of beauty because its circumference symbolizes wealth and opulence.However, due to discoveries about health, this perception has changed and now the symbol of health and beauty has a thin face, without belly fat.Having abdominal fat is very natural which is the storage form of energy if we need natures. It is as if lost in a forest and have nothing to eat, the stored fat in your body is that the body will use for fuel to keep it alive.But no need to worry, with the sedentary lifestyle most women today, the stored fat is never used and is a threat to health.The best way to get rid of belly fat is to lose weight means. It is impossible to spot reduce abs so endless fat you see on the use of this equipment and this thing to lose your gut does not work. You need to lose weight to get that flat stomach you desire.The best way to lose fat in the stomach for women over the age of 50 or  is to make a meal plan. You should always have protein in your meals and you need to reduce refined carbohydrates. This means less rice, potatoes and white bread for you.The basic rule is that each cup of rice or a piece of bread to eat at least have to eat a few ounces of protein. A good rule of thumb is to eat lean meat the size of the palm.Eat more often but less parts, it prevents you from overeating.Another important thing is to exercise, you need to get at least an hour a day of exercise to burn unwanted by the intestines to swell. To do this, every day, plan your meals, get enough protein at every meal and exercise every day, before you know it you will quickly lose that belly fat and get that bikini body you've always wanted.Many people are frustrated with the weight loss, because it takes a lot of time. But there are supplements that can help you lose weight safely and quickly. You do not have to work as slaves comes to exercise, you can do an hour of exercise and taking a supplement weight loss, so you can spend the rest of your time with your loved ones.

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Weight Loss Workouts For Women Who Are Tired of Being Overweight

Weight Loss Workouts For Women Who Are Tired of Being Overweight Did you know that there are a lot of weight loss workouts for women that can be done at the gym or at home? If you are the type of woman that is motivated by the clashing of iron then I would suggest that you get your workouts done at a gym. Sometimes seeing other people workout is more motivating because it helps you get in the right mindset of things. However, if you are way too busy with family or work then it is also very possible to get a good workout from the comfort of your own home. There are plenty of body weight exercises that will get you ripped in no time.

Weight Training Workouts to Build Muscle

Believe or not, building muscle is just as important to women as it is to men. By building muscle you will give your body shape and definition. In other words, you will build an attractive physique.

Building muscle is the foundation of weight loss because without it you will not burn fat. Just think about it, your body will burn fat even while you sleep because of the muscle it has. So you will literally burn body fat 24 hours a day. If you are looking into weight training then I suggest you do super-set training or circuit training. These are the best weight loss workouts for women.

Circuit training will be done by doing 6 exercises back to back without rest and super-sets will be done by doing 2 heavy weight exercises back to back without rest. Both type of workouts are great for burning body fat and building stamina.

Body Weight Loss Workouts for Women

If you are the type of woman who is just too busy to go to a gym then there are plenty of ways to get a good workout at home. The most common way is to run on a treadmill, however, if you choose to go this route then I suggest you start with intervals so that you will shed more belly fat during your running exercise. Another great way to build muscle is to do body-weight exercises. With body-weight exercises you will only use your body weight as resistance. This is a great way to build lean muscle and it is also not as easy as it sounds.

Did you know that you can get in shape with just 3 workouts a week? Read our Turbulence Training Review at our Womens Fitness Blog [] to find out how. For more information visit, [].

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How To Lose Weight In 6 Weeks

How are you? I'm genuinely interested to know how you are feeling right now. There seems to be a lot of colds and flu around at the moment so it's important to look after yourself. I'm still undergoing physio treatment for my injury sustained during football back in January! It has been a very frustrating 8 months for me. However, I have to be patient, which is very difficult when all I want to do is play football again.

It's a bit like losing weight. How to lose weight in 6 weeks. You make a decision that you want to lose weight, say a stone in 6 weeks, so that you can fit into your favourite jeans. After all, what's the point of them hanging up in your wardrobe, right? You begin your journey, maybe start by giving up sweets, cakes, fried food and even alcohol! You start to eat more vegetables, salads and fruit and drink a bit more water. You MAY even think about doing some sort of exercise but you're not sure exactly what to do and how often to do it. You say to yourself "Exercise is hard and do I really want to put myself through the pain?" There are hundreds of gyms, studios, personal trainers, Zumba classes, Pilates... the list is endless. THEN, there is the food part of it. You have to choose a slimming group or the new fad diet that you've seen on the front cover of 'Perfect Healthy Woman' magazine [that magazine doesn't actually exist by the way, I made it up!]. THEN, you see the latest diet pill that is causing a mass revolution in the USA - it must work, 100 celebs are trying it and they are so thin! You are just inundated with choices BUT (and here's the deal), you just don't know where to turn for the best. True?So, where do you go from here? Well, the first thing I would suggest is to make a plan. You want to lose a stone in 6 weeks? Set the exact date, i.e. by 10th November 2013. Then, get out your diary and make appointments (with yourself) for your exercise, e.g. Mon 7.30-8.00am Body weight exercises at home; Wed 6-7pm Zumba class; Fri 6-6.30pm Interval running session; Sun 8-8.30am Pilates exercises at home. You get the idea? If you don't do this, you will aimlessly exercise in a haphazard fashion and your results will be haphazard. You should also take some photos and measurements before starting to refer back to when you get to your target date.The same with your eating. Plan your meals for the WEEK, not just the following day. Do a whole week's shopping and LEAVE OUT those nasty sugary treats - at least until you reach your goal of a stone off in weight. ONLY buy the healthy stuff - lots of vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds, lean cuts of meat, oily fish, yogurt, coconut milk/oil, nut butters, spices, green tea, juices, eggs, health bars etc. Make these your ONLY food choices - for now anyway.Keep yourself well hydrated too over the 6 weeks. Drink plenty of water. BUT how much should you drink? The 'standard' recommendation is 6-8 glasses but I disagree as everyone is different and we all have different requirements. I find this is a good general guide - divide your weight (in kg) by 30. The number you get is the number of litres of water you need to drink - NOT including tea and coffee by the way!Finally, the exercise bit - I bet you'd thought I'd forgotten about it?! Do something you enjoy. Don't go to a bootcamp if the thought fills you with dread. Don't lift heavy weights if you find it difficult to lift a shopping bag. Find an activity that fits into your lifestyle. Find other women who have been getting fantastic results and ask them what they do. Don't reinvent the wheel here - if women are getting results, what they are doing MUST work, right? Of course!So, there you have it - my 'simple' plan for losing a stone in 6 weeks. Still stuck? Then get in touch and let's have a friendly chat about it - I'm all ears and I'll do whatever I can to help you.If you are still stuck for exercise ideas, why not try one of my classes for FREE? Plus, if you know a female friend or colleague who wants to lose weight, bring them along for free too. Currently, my classes are:Mon 6.15-7.00pm
Tue 6.30-7.30pm
Thu 6.30-7.30pmAll at Exhibition Park, Newcastle.More classes to come very soon.

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What is the Best Cardio Workout?

 What is the Best Cardio Workout? There are hundreds of different machines out there all claiming to be 'the best cardio workout'. The only thing I have to say about that is it's hogwash! There is no single machine that creates the best cardio workout. Many different things need to be taken in to account when choosing a cardio machine or workout for your self. It is best to gain knowledge in these areas before buying that latest and greatest new product. I will go over some of the things that should be looked at before getting involved.

The type of person you are has a lot to do with what kind of cardio you should choose. What I mean by this is, if you are very athletic and been involved in sports all your life you are going to have different needs then someone who comes from a background of no sports or activity. The best cardio workout for person one may be run at a high pace for 2 hours, where as the best for person two may be walking around the block twice.

A persons' prior fitness experience also should be taken in to account when looking for their best cardio workout. You can find cardio machines or activities that are complex and have many different uses. You can also find a simple, less complex activity or machine. If you are someone that is just getting into the fitness and cardio then there is no need to go out and purchase or learn anything complicated or advanced because it will just make learning more stressful. And for somebody that is more advanced and been around the different machines and cardio activities then you may want a more deluxe or complicated workout to achieve your best cardio workout.

The biggest thing to look at when trying to attain great cardio, is knowing what you want to get out of the cardio. Are you going to be training to run an iron man race or are you just looking to get in to better shape? There is no need to try complex workouts and buy expensive machinery when all you want to do is lose an extra couple of pounds, in this case your best cardio workout would probably be as simple as a brisk walk around your block. People always try and look too deep in to needing the 'best' machine out there. Many don't realize that a monthly gym membership, where you can spend 20 minutes 3 times a week on a stationary bike, can produce amazing results.

Whatever you do, don't start out doing cardio at 100% effort. Too many people will hop on a treadmill after 2 years of nothing and expect that they can still run for 60 minutes straight without a break. Not going to happen! Please ease into whatever you start. Gradually work your way into more work. You will notice that it won't take long and you'll be back to that 60 minute run in no time.
The point of all of this is to show you that each person is different, which means that the best cardio workout for one person may not work for you. I suggest trying a few different things out at your local gym and see what you like best and what works for you. Whatever it is that you choose, please enjoy it. Make getting your best cardio workout fun, not a chore!

Brett Nordin is the proud owner of the blog Health and Fitness For Anyone and is dedicated to revealing his knowledge and information to you. To read and learn more about Health and Fitness related topics please view his blog site

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Healthy Eating Information

He had been a long debate on the effects of the consumption of eggs and egg in recipes containing cholesterol in the blood. Information on healthy eating showed that eggs are an excellent source of nutrients and protein and can be eaten regularly as part of a healthy and nutritious diet . If you already have cholesterol levels in the blood , information on healthy eating recommends that you eat more egg whites instead of whole egg .Information on healthy eating shows that the eggs are about.36 g of cholesterol. Has.24g yolk has.61g alone and lonely . So you can see that, in general , the consumption of eggs is not as harmful as was thought to be .The egg is considered one of the " perfect food from nature. " Eggs contain 6.3 g protein, and at least one track of everything , B vitamins , riboflavin , thiamine, iron, magnesium, phosphorus , zinc and vitamins A, D and E. the egg contains 10% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin D and riboflavin , and is an important source of choline.The egg also contains 4.4 g fat . It is divided in saturated fat (1.6 g) , polyunsaturated fatty acids (1 g) , and monounsaturated fat (1.8 g). So if you eat a low fat diet , information on healthy eating recommends that egg consumption is limited.You can use eggs or egg whites in a variety of dishes or eaten raw. They make a wonderful breakfast or lunch at any time. If you are looking for information on healthy eating weight loss , a recent study has shown is that people who ate eggs for breakfast one day lost more weight than people who eat bread for breakfast.So if the information on healthy eating and eggs study part you can play in your healthy diet , we found much evidence for the consumption of eggs. We recommend that you try different ways to prepare to move away from recipes traditional breakfast . The reason is the traditional pairings do not lend themselves to a healthy diet and optimal weight. Stay away from eggs and bacon , ham , sausage or other meats say . Opt to eat eggs with whole grain bread , poached w / fish , scrambled eggs with fresh vegetables or a light quiche with low fat cheese and skim milk. Combinations of meats and eggs led to the demonization of the egg as a breakfast food for many years. It was given the green light as a nutritious food all can improve your diet and good health.

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Belly Fat In Women Over 50 - Why It's There And How To Get Rid Of It

Belly Fat In Women Over 50 - Why It's There And How To Get Rid Of ItA common complaint among women over 50 is that it gets harder to lose weight and any weight gained tends to settle in the belly area. As you age your metabolism drops as much as 10% per decade. When you hit menopause your metabolism can take an additional 5 to 10% drop due to hormonal changes. Add to this the fact that these same hormonal changes make it easier for your body to deposit fat in the abdomen and you end up with a growing belly fat problem.

While this may make it seem as if there are a lot of hurdles to cross to get rid of belly fat, there are steps you can take to prevent or remove belly fat after the age of 50.

1. Exercise. If you never exercised in your life, now is the time to start. If you have been a regular workout enthusiast, then add a bit more to your weekly routine.

Part of the reason metabolism drops is because your body loses muscle with age. Muscle is what burns calories, even when you are at rest, and exercise is the best way to preserve muscle, and therefore your metabolism.

2. Eating. The way your body handles nutrients changes as you age. For example, carbohydrates were easily converted to energy when you were in your teens and twenties. However, now that you are in your fifties, more of the carbohydrate calories that you consume get converted to body fat.

To work around this issue you can reduce your carbohydrate intake by about 200 calories a day. To avoid hunger, you can replace those lost calories with the same amount of protein.

3. Triggers. Even though your body changes as you age, the basic mechanics still apply. In other words, if you feed your body only what it needs, then it will be able to utilize those calories for energy and general body repairs. However, if you overeat, especially if you eat too many carbohydrate calories at one time, these extra calories will "spill-over" and create belly fat.

To avoid this learn what your eating triggers are. What causes you to overeat?
Your trigger may be psychological. For instance, you may eat when you feel stressed. Or, you could be triggered to overeat by eating the wrong foods. Research shows that foods that contain fat, salt, and sugar are highly addictive. This would include a burger and fries, potato chips, and many other "trigger foods."

After the age of 50 women do have a tendency to gain belly fat. But by using the tips above to shift your eating habits, exercise routine, and identify your triggers, you can burn the belly fat and get the slim waistline you want.

Possibly the most important thing to keep in mind is that every successful fat loss story begins at the same place, with a compelling and motivating personal goal.

But as a woman over the age of 50 are you clear on what your goal should be?

Read the goals of other women over 50 and see how your goals stack up to theirs. I guarantee their inspiring stories will give you the motivation to reach your goal!

PLUS... you will receive my free report "How to Keep Your Body in a Fat Burning State 24/7", where you will learn how to gain control over hormones that control weight loss. Get the Free Report and Read Goals by clicking the link.

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Carb Diet Cycling - Lose Fat, Not Muscle

Carb Diet Cycling - Lose Fat, Not MuscleWhat does Edward Cullen and Insulin levels have in common? Nothing really but you would think vampires have an appreciation for the effects of carbohydrates on blood sugar levels!

Anyways to look as lean as Robert Pattinson does for the Twilight series, you might want to try Carb Cycling to loose fat but not muscle along the way.

So shoveling breads, cereals, and pastas into yourself as if it's a race to the finish, is not the answer.

Eating meals or snacks like this which are high in carbohydrates will send your blood glucose level into outer space.

To counter for this rapid rise, your pancreas secretes the hormone insulin into the bloodstream which lowers the levels of blood glucose.

This insulin level caused by excess carbohydrates will ultimately promote the accumulation of body fat. OOPS and that's what we don't want!

In other words, if we eat too many carbohydrates, we're sending a hormonal message to store fat.
However, regulating your blood sugar level is the most effective way to maintain your fat-burning capacity.

It also essential for good health and lowers the risk of diseases such as Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

A delicate balance of diet, insulin production and physical activity is necessary for optimal blood glucose levels.

With the onset of modern civilisation, our physiology suddenly was asked to digest and metabolize larger amounts of sugar and starch especially refined sugars. I follow my version of the "Paleo" diet to minimise these consequences).

But if we are unable to utilise the amount of carbohydrates we eat, certain symptoms will develop.
The problem is that insulin is essentially a storage hormone, evolved to put aside excess carbohydrate calories in the form of fat in case of future famine.

Not only do increased insulin levels tell the body to store carbohydrates as fat, they also tell it not to release any stored fat.

This makes it impossible for you to use your own stored body fat for energy. The excess carbohydrates in your diet not only make you fat, they make sure you stay fat. What a Bummer!

Insulin also causes hunger. As blood sugar increases following a carbohydrate meal, insulin rises with the eventual result of lower blood sugar. This results in hunger, amazingly often only a couple of hours after a meal.

Cravings, usually for sweets, are frequently part of this cycle, leading you to resort to snacking, often on more carbohydrates.


The best fuel source to use throughout the day are complex starches (carbs). These provide sustained energy minimising sugar spikes and stabilises blood sugar levels and lets your workout last longer and retain intensity.

These starches will break down slowly and the body doesn't have any chance to store body fat and rather be stored as muscle glycogen.

Complex carbs will minimise muscle catabolism (breakdown) and ensure muscle anabolism (growth).
Examples of complex carbs are; yams, sweet potatoes, wild rice, beans, legumes, red potatoes, raw oats.

These will store glycogen and convert to an energy source for your muscles, brain, heart and other organs, along with vegetables, fruit and fibrous grains provide a huge source for anabolic growth.

Losing weight without losing muscle is related to maintain blood sugar -insulin levels.Timing is important get it wrong and areas that are affected is sports performance, injury risk, feeling sluggish, increased appetite and slows metabolism.Best times to ingest carbs are in the morning and before and after a workout. These are the times when your muscles need carbohydrates the most.If you workout without carbs then breaking down lean mass for amino acids becomes a real possibility.Typical Nutrition on Workout Days

Note: The time when carbs are added in the day

7am: 1 cup oatmeal with 2 scoops whey

10 am: 2 Whole eggs, 4 egg whites, 1 piece of toast

12 Noon: 200g chicken breast, 1 piece of fruit, black coffee

2pm: Pre Workout 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1 medium sweet potato

4pm: Post Workout 2 scoops Whey with chocolate milk, handful of nuts

6pm: 1 can tuna, 2 pieces vegetables

9pm: 170g lean steak, lettuce, green vegetables
Carbs fuels your muscles to help with working out then conversely on days you are less active reduce your carb intake and let your body use the existing sugars in your blood.This again is similar to carb cycling which works very well when trying to loose weight. I follow the Eat Stop Eat program to for carb cycling to loose body fat (currently at 8%).Typical Nutrition on Non Workout Days

Note: The reduction of carbs in the day

7am: 2 scoops whey

10 am: 6 egg whites with lean chicken

12 Noon: 230g chicken breast, green tea

3pm: 1/2 cup cottage cheese

4.30pm: 1/2 cup yogurt

5pm: 1 can tuna, 1 pieces vegetables

8pm: 170g lean steak, 6 stalks asparagus

10pm: 5 hard boiled eggs


Eating protein with each meal is one of the best ways to stabilise blood sugar levels examples are; Lean red meats, fish, chicken, eggs, legumes, nuts, seeds.

Chromium helps to normalise blood sugar levels examples are; broccoli, wholegrain cereals, nuts, mushrooms and soy beans.

Fibre slows absorption of glucose examples are; wholegrain breads and breads, brown rice, legumes, fruit and vegetables.

Drinking plenty of water is another way to lower blood sugar levels.Drinking at least eight glasses of water per day will also flush harmful toxins from the body, help with weight loss, and keep the skin healthy.Taking Ginseng or adding Cinnamon to food has been shown to regulate blood sugar levels.Never skip a meal, especially breakfast, and eat healthy snacks between meals. Eating frequently prevents hunger pangs and the binges that follow, provides consistent energy, and may be the single most effective way to maintain metabolism efficiency.When you will be away from home or work, plan your snacks and take them along so that you will be able to eat regularly and won't be tempted by junk food.High fibre snacks and meals also help to regulate your blood sugar level. The fibre slows down glucose absorption and your rate of digestion, keeping your blood sugar level more consistent and warding off feelings of hunger.Eating apples and oranges are a better choice than drinking apple and orange juice.Exercise: Try to get 30 to 60 minutes of walking in four to five days a week.An easy way to lower blood sugar levels is to stay fit and healthy. Regular exercise not only helps lower blood sugar levels, but also helps fight infections.Staying active and taking regular exercise can also help with blood pressure problems. Exercise also helps control the body's weight and regulate cholesterol levels.This exercise does not need to be a grueling workout. Thirty minutes of exercise a day, even walking, will help to lower blood sugar levels. Walking to the store instead of taking the car is all that may be necessary to provide you with some much needed exercise. Any extra exercise, including working out in a gym.Having a balanced diet is not only healthy but ensures that you receive the maximal amount of nutrients which ensures all your bodily functions are able to operate at their fullest potential.
Thanks you for reading this and I hope it assists with your workouts. Hi my name is Raymond Ho. I'm interested in finding and providing helpful information on healthy balanced fitness. For FREE downloadable workouts and nutrition information please feel free to visit my holistic blog called where it combines Zen, Yoga, Body Building and Nutrition.

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Home Workouts With Bodyweight Only Exercises - Bodyweight Exercise Routines

Bodyweight only workouts are great, but can get repetitive. As a fitness professional, home workout and travel workout expert, I pondered how many variations could a true "bodyweight only" exercise program come up with? Especially since creating this kind of system was in high consideration for my own program. However, as the planning details became more apparent and the limitations of strictly adhering to a bodyweight only system developed, I found myself asking "how can one have the ability to improve from beginner, intermediate to advanced fitness level?" As well, "does this system have enough variety for a true healthy lifestyle program, and not just a quick, short-term fix?"

After all, developing the right home workout system is meant to be a healthy, engaging alternative to expensive, time-consuming gym memberships. When considering that the primary body weight exercises are push-ups, burpees, sit-ups, crunches, squats, lunges and so forth (even with TABATA, H.I.I.T, plyometric and rounds for time methods), one is limited in variety and potential progression past a few months.

Don't get me wrong. I truly loved contemplating about the potential development of a bodyweight only workout system. However, if most Americans are like me, then monotony is a crucial variable for results both physiologically and mentally. Physiologically, the infamous S.A.I.D principle stands for Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demand. In short, one's body can adapt very quickly to new stresses whether physically or mentally. In this context, one can adapt to a workout regimen quickly. In fact, I could see noticeable adaptions in a clients program within the same week. As Tony Horton coined the phrase, "muscle confusion," is one of the best ways to change one's fitness and overall health.

As versatile as body weight only routines are, people get bored. This is certainly the primary point and argument, because even as a home workout expert, this would be my downfall with a body weight only exercise program. Bodyweight exercises are certainly the anywhere approach, but not the complete program for building a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle needs the ability for constant improvement, and even with the amazing potential of bodyweight only exercises, the lack of variety places a huge obstacle on this style of training.

For those looking for the perfect anywhere home workout, the answer may shock you. Because, this solution still has a large bodyweight exercise influence. Literally adding a couple pieces of affordable/transportable equipment to the bodyweight training program and the variety has been broadened by a hundred times.

1. These items enhance all bodyweight movements.

2. Are lightweight and transportable.

3. Can be used for home workouts, travel workouts, inside or outside.

4. These pieces of equipment enhance all ability level variations.

5. Most importantly, these items are low-cost.

Building a healthy lifestyle is about the opportunity for constant improvement and growth. Finding a program (like the one below) that encompasses this principle and offers an abundance of fitness and nutrition expertise is the sure fire, "game changer" for a true, healthy lifestyle, not just another quick fitness fix.

For the most effective home workouts and travel workouts, visit

Workout Anywhere provides affordable, effective, fat burning home workouts for all ability levels. As well, Workout Anywhere gives members award winning coaching and nutrition plans. Don't just settle for a fitness highlight, learn how to live a sustainable healthy lifestyle for only $9.95/month.

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Getting in Shape - The Best Exercises for Obese People

 You've tried everything, but sadly, you failed every time. I know the feeling; I've been there. But don't worry, I have good news for you; there is a fast and easy way to get in shape. I will share with you the principles I used to lose 20 kilograms... #1. - High-Intensity cardio This is a great alternative for obese people for several reasons. First, you only need to train 5 to 10 minutes each day to achieve amazing results. You don't need to go to the gym or buy any type of expensive equipment. And finally, people of all fitness levels can practice high-intensity cardio, so even if you get tired easily you can benefit from this type of workout. The beauty of high-intensity cardio is that it will help you increase your metabolism. So, you will burn calories all day long, not only when you are training. #2. - Cold Water These days people pay, a lot of money, to get showers of cold water in spas, and there is a good reason for this. Research demonstrates that cold water can help you build lean muscle and burn calories. I know that taking a bath with cold water can be very uncomfortable, and most of us try to avoid it. But, it works. Try it; you only need 5 minutes every day in the shower to get amazing results. Another good alternative is to drink ice water regularly, especially on an empty stomach. But, I most warn you, if you want to avoid a heart attack never drink cold water when your pulse rate is high. I know that taking baths of cold water is technically not an exercise routine. But you will get the same results you get after an effective training session. #3. - Stretch regularly Flexibility training is a fundamental element in every fitness program, especially if you are obese. Stretching regularly decreases your risk of injury. Your posture and your muscular balance improve. And it also reduces the chance of low back pain. Stretch for 20 to 30 minutes every day and you will gain flexibility very fast. I lost 20 kilograms of weight, 10 of them in one month. So I know this stuff works. You need to remember that in the fitness arena, simple works, complicated fails. The problem with most fitness programs is that they over-complicate simple stuff. That's why most people lose motivation and quit. If you want to learn how to lose weight and get six pack abs faster than you ever thought possible go to, you'll be glad you did. Article Source: Article Source:'ve tried everything, but sadly, you failed every time. I know the feeling; I've been there. But don't worry, I have good news for you; there is a fast and easy way to get in shape. I will share with you the principles I used to lose 20 kilograms...

#1. - High-Intensity cardio

This is a great alternative for obese people for several reasons. First, you only need to train 5 to 10 minutes each day to achieve amazing results. You don't need to go to the gym or buy any type of expensive equipment. And finally, people of all fitness levels can practice high-intensity cardio, so even if you get tired easily you can benefit from this type of workout.

The beauty of high-intensity cardio is that it will help you increase your metabolism. So, you will burn calories all day long, not only when you are training.

#2. - Cold Water

These days people pay, a lot of money, to get showers of cold water in spas, and there is a good reason for this. Research demonstrates that cold water can help you build lean muscle and burn calories.

I know that taking a bath with cold water can be very uncomfortable, and most of us try to avoid it. But, it works. Try it; you only need 5 minutes every day in the shower to get amazing results.

Another good alternative is to drink ice water regularly, especially on an empty stomach. But, I most warn you, if you want to avoid a heart attack never drink cold water when your pulse rate is high.

I know that taking baths of cold water is technically not an exercise routine. But you will get the same results you get after an effective training session.

#3. - Stretch regularly

Flexibility training is a fundamental element in every fitness program, especially if you are obese. Stretching regularly decreases your risk of injury. Your posture and your muscular balance improve.

And it also reduces the chance of low back pain. Stretch for 20 to 30 minutes every day and you will gain flexibility very fast.

I lost 20 kilograms of weight, 10 of them in one month. So I know this stuff works. You need to remember that in the fitness arena, simple works, complicated fails. The problem with most fitness programs is that they over-complicate simple stuff. That's why most people lose motivation and quit.

If you want to learn how to lose weight and get six pack abs faster than you ever thought possible go to, you'll be glad you did.

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Can I Lose Weight in a Week?

The clock is ticking! I have an important date in a week and I'm nervous! Can I lose weight in a week? Have you ever been in that situation? I have and it's no fun. But there is hope, especially if you're truly committed and willing to work for it. A hot date's a good motivator, so let's see how serious you are, let's see if you can lose weight in a week! The trick involves two basic things. For most people, if you really want to lose weight in a week, you need to decrease your caloric intake and increase you metabolism. The clock is ticking! I have an important date in a week and I'm nervous! Can I lose weight in a week?
Have you ever been in that situation? I have and it's no fun. But there is hope, especially if you're truly committed and willing to work for it. A hot date's a good motivator, so let's see how serious you are, let's see if you can lose weight in a week!

The trick involves two basic things. For most people, if you really want to lose weight in a week, you need to decrease your caloric intake and increase you metabolism.

Yes, you've heard it before, eat less and exercise more. But if you're in reasonable condition, and you can hit it hard, with a little rigorous exercise, you really can lose weight in a week.

I have to admit, the fastest way I've done it is using a low-carb diet. With this system, I didn't actually reduce the amount of calories I took in, but I did shift my metabolism by cutting out carbs. This causes your body to start burning fat. A low-carb diet can do that in pretty fast. I've done it a few times and the metabolic shift usually happens after about three days of eating less than 20 grams of carbohydrates a day.

I was able to kick that rapid weight loss into high gear with exercise. I've tested this, done it without exercise and with exercise. I've even tested it with moderate exercise compared to rigorous exercise.
But low-carb diets are controversial. They have worked for me, and I've been able to lose weight even faster when I did some fairly rigorous cardio exercise, like running four miles three or four times a week, or biking. It's cool, kind of like turbo-charging your weight loss!

You never go hungry with a low-carb diet, but there are side effects, like bad breath. And I've never been able to keep the weight off for more than a year because I always go back to my old eating habits (not to mention beer).

If you don't want to go the low-carb diet route, just reduce your calories to 800 or 1,000 a day. Then exercise a lot! Rigorous cardio exercise will boost your metabolism and burn fat. It also adjusts your resting metabolism so your system is more inclined to burn calories even when you're not exercising.
One diet commonly mentioned for rapid weight loss is Fat Loss 4 Idiots. We have a review of this diet, along with four more at our weight loss site. Follow the link below to find those reviews and more ideas on how you can lose weight in a week.

After years of dieting, Dana Keith has become an expert on diet and nutrition. She figured out what it takes to stay slim, and now she helps others lose weight, feel better and enjoy life more!

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Master Weight Loss Hormone Discovered

 Master Weight Loss Hormone Discovered Oh boy... here we go again. The struggle continues - you've been following your diet to the letter; you've done your exercises day-after-day and you've even done the dreaded cleanse several times, but yet your weight stubbornly refuses to come down. What a mess. This really shouldn't be - so much hard work and nothing to show for it. What is the problem? Please help!

Well, let me see if I can help you. First of all let me say you are not alone in this struggle. Many people find themselves in this predicament after the first week or two on their weight management program. In fact, this is the point at which persons give up and return to their old ways. But take heart, this problem that confronts most of us is rooted in the fabric of the body's defense mechanism.

You see the body is pre-wired to protect itself against starvation. This, of cause is a good thing, but the problem arises in the way the body protects itself. As it turns out, the same hormone that initiates the starvation defense is also the hormone that triggers the body's fat burning mechanism. This hormone is called leptin. Recently, it was discovered that leptin is the master hormone that controls the functions of all other hormones associated with weight management. It is believed to be at its highest levels in the body after meals containing servings of carbohydrates. High levels of leptin allow the body to use more calories than it stores, relatively speaking.

Of course, the obvious problem with leptin is as you manage your diet to conform to the requirements of your weight management program, the level of leptin declines. This decrement in leptin instructs the body to reduce energy consumption and at the same time convert more food into fat for storage to prevent starvation. Hence, even though you may be going full force on your weight management program you may not see any improvement in your weight because thanks to leptin, your body has ceased to burn energy and is working rigorously to store it as fat. This increase in fat storage, in particular, is responsible for the lack of progress after experiencing some levels of success initially. This is sometimes referred to as the"weight loss plateau".

Now what can be done about the weight loss plateau? Well, this is a tricky one because in order to increase leptin levels you must eat a sufficient amount of food and if you consume too much food you will most definitely sabotage your weight management program. Fortunately, some diets are beginning to take leptin decrement effect into consideration and for those who prefer supplements, capsules containing certain herbs are performing well in helping to control leptin levels. So take heart, we may be on the brink of wiping out this weight loss plateau for good.

This article is part of a series of articles on weight loss management. I have included additional articles and suggestions on my blog you for visiting.

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Belly Fat Elimination

Want to lose belly fat? Then you shouldn't buy into the scams of late night TV. I was watching TV late last night, and one of those workout equipment ads came on. You know the kind. They have the fitness model raving about how they managed to lose 100 pounds by just doing this simple exercise for 5 minutes a day. This one in particular spoke about belly fat, and how you could target the belly fat and basically eliminate it in 5 minutes a day for a month. Immediately, a scam alert went off in my brain. After all, it's widely accepted that spot reduction is a myth, that it is impossible to target any area of the body for weight loss. There are still a few experts who claim spot reduction is legit, but the vast majority disagrees. But then I thought about it and did a little research. Regardless of who is right, there is definitely steps you can take to limit the fat gain around the belly area, while at the same time losing fat all over. So, here are my 5 tips to keep belly fat off. 1. Chill out. Recent studies have shown that stress leads to belly fat. Of course this isn't caused by the stress itself, but by the cortisol released due to the stress. A great way to reduce stress, which also happens to be my number 2 tip, is to get more sleep. Article Source: to lose belly fat? Then you shouldn't buy into the scams of late night TV.

I was watching TV late last night, and one of those workout equipment ads came on.
You know the kind. They have the fitness model raving about how they managed to lose 100 pounds by just doing this simple exercise for 5 minutes a day.

This one in particular spoke about belly fat, and how you could target the belly fat and basically eliminate it in 5 minutes a day for a month.

Immediately, a scam alert went off in my brain.

After all, it's widely accepted that spot reduction is a myth, that it is impossible to target any area of the body for weight loss.

There are still a few experts who claim spot reduction is legit, but the vast majority disagrees.
But then I thought about it and did a little research.

Regardless of who is right, there is definitely steps you can take to limit the fat gain around the belly area, while at the same time losing fat all over.

So, here are my 5 tips to keep belly fat off.

1. Chill out. Recent studies have shown that stress leads to belly fat. Of course this isn't caused by the stress itself, but by the cortisol released due to the stress. A great way to reduce stress, which also happens to be my number 2 tip, is to get more sleep.

2. Sleep more. Research suggests that a lack of sleep leads to
weight gain, increased junk food cravings, depression, and stress. So by sleeping for a few extra hours, you get all of those benefits and lose belly fat, and keep it from returning.

3. Drink more water. I've said this a few times, but drinking more water is super important for weight loss. It boosts metabolism, reduces hunger, and flushes out toxins and waste. 8 glasses a day is a good target.

4. Limit or eliminate sugar. When you eat too much sugar, it gets stored as fat. Not only that, excess sugar can also lead to diabetes and other health issues.

5. Exercise. Short bursts of cardio, or HIIT, do wonders for fat loss. Increased metabolism days after the exercise means you will be shedding the pounds well after your workout is over.

Those are just a few tips that you can implement immediately and start to see results.

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Best Fat Burning Diet Plan - Lose Fat Extremely Fast

Best Fat Burning Diet Plan - Lose Fat Extremely FastSo what is the best fat burning diet plan out there? What are you looking for? Are you looking for something that doesn't starve you or force you to go out of your way?

Well first of all, we are going to discuss several techniques in order for you to find the best fat burning dieting plan for you. We will also go over some fat burning foods, and how you should incorporate enjoyable exercise into your dieting routine.

By doing all of this, you will ensure an enjoyable fat burning experience for you, that is also very effective and easy on the wallet.

First of all - let's discuss how you should find the best dieting plan.

There are people out there that have literally created their own diet by coming up with a combination of tons of different dieting philosophies. I'm not saying you have to be the Socrates on dieting, but it does help if you start doing some research.

Research your body, go to the healthy calculator online (type it in the search engines), and find out what comes up.

You also may want to try going to certain dieting and forum message boards and typing in a request to see what the best dieting plans are.

Get ENGAGED IN A COMMUNITY! It makes losing weight so much easy when you are engaged in an online community, sharing facts, secrets, and knowledge about losing weight, exercise, and your body.

Believe it or not, the best dieting plans sometimes come from communities that have created a whole bunch of dieting plans from different truths and philosophies of different experts and dieting plan gurus.
This is just one of the ways - you also want to go to your local bookstore, a big Barnes & Nobles; and relax in the section - do some research, you can definitely do it so why not start today?

Some Fat Burning Foods
Boiled eggs are extremely good when it comes to burning fat. Do not live life without them! They are extremely high in protein, which makes them prime to that fat burning thing that you want to do.

Oatmeal, Oatmeal, Oatmeal - it's best to get the nasty one with no flavor in it - but any type of oatmeal is atleast somewhat healthy because soluble fiber that's in it that reduces blood cholesterol, and flushes out the bad digestive acids out of your system - by far one of the most underrated lose fat foods.

Grilled Lean Meats- Grilled meats and eating fish are great things that you should start doing immediately. You may want to think about packing a healthy "fat burning" snack as there are literally hundreds of fat burning foods out there! Just start today and find out what tastes great for you!

Enjoyable Exercise
Nobody said exercise had to be tough, in fact, all you have to do is exercise 35-45 minutes a day, two to three times a week to lose some fat. Overtime, your body will want to workout more & more; you'll get used to working out and start loving it.

The hardest part is getting started - get that "mental snowball" rolling and start today!

Losing 9 Pounds in 11 Days using the FatLoss4 Idiots Program sounds like an impossible feat. It's not & If you are interested in how you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days using the "Fat Loss 4 Idiots" dieting plan, then visit for more information

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Healthy Eating For College Students

The fact that you are  away from home is not an excuse for not eating well , which is the line more to college and continue with few people understand the importance of eating healthy, balanced and healthy foods that can be prepared with little effort! But it's not that hard to stick to - I will bring you the latest news about why it is important to eat well during their college years and what kinds of easy choices good food are , you can arm yourself - without clogging the sink in cooking or eating your precious free time!Take a look below to learn more!If you have weight problems or problems with body image , you may not always be the fault of your parents , because there are other factors besides genetic trends in play when the body type of an individual is under the scanner . You should understand the key factors that contribute to fitness levels and fitness of a person , such as eating, sleeping , exercise habits , and other environmental factors such as climate and social environment that may have an effect on the body structure of the person. For example , like many hip and trendy people can also influence the university to consider some form, but your body type may be completely resistant to look that way , especially if they have the bone structure looks different from you eat the wrong foods , sleep or indifference pay little attention to the small amount or how to exercise.Of all the above points , the driver of the image you have of yourself and you want the changes most is the food ; yes , it is inevitable that you are what you eat! If you eat poorly , you can look and feel in a bad mood , but if you eat well , you will have a wholesome, healthy and full of energy, then personality , try these helpful and simple tips to improve your eating habits today hui and feel the difference! After all, you do not have much to lose but excess weight !While you may regret the genes that caused more meat from bones and other irritating details like your complexion , family illnesses and quirks , you can change the endpoint of your daily diet so that you get the most of life , improve quality of your life and feel fit and well too! You can get the shape you've always wanted to eat well and change the way your taste buds demand for certain food products by discipline by giving your body what it 's good for her , not just something taste crave. Many of your cravings are actually acquired taste and you can turn off the feelings that bring nonessential keep foods out of your meal plan every day - this is how :- Avoid periods of high dietary sugar , starch, high in calories such as processed foods like soda , chips , pasta , bread , cakes , alcohol, foods, etc.- Incorporate foods that have lots of water , protein, and vitamins such as cucumbers , papaya , spinach , brown rice or matte , high fiber cereals , baked or boiled meat , wine and all kinds of fresh organic vegetables .- Buy mixtures prepared salads and basic meals that keep many stores these days and stored in zip -lock bags in your freezer and fish products baked chicken breast that are healthy and have little time to heat and eat !You can format this way with a budget of time and money , and pick up good eating habits for life , too!

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What Are The Best Cardio Exercises For Losing Weight?

 What Are The Best Cardio Exercises For Losing Weight? You can not underestimate the importance of exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle. Trying to lose a fair amount of weight and keep it off for good without exercising regularly is about as pointless as trying to climb Everest in your slippers. You lose weight by burning more calories than you consume on a daily basis. Just cutting loads of calories while leading a sedentary (physically inactive) lifestyle, will leave you feeling lethargic and your energy levels depleted. Increasing your activity levels will fire up your metabolism, making your body burn calories quicker. Lets now look at some of the best cardiovascular (cardio) fat-burning exercises that you can do.

Top Cardio Exercises For Losing Weight

You will soon start blasting that belly fat away with these great cardio exercises:

1. Swimming Swimming will provide you with a great full body workout that works numerous muscle groups and burns tons of calories. Swimming is also a very low impact activity that puts less strain and stress on your muscles and joints because the water takes your body weight. There are plenty of strokes you can perform to work various muscle groups and it is a great activity to build up strength after injury.

2. Running
Running provides a superb cardio workout and has such a wide appeal because it can be done anywhere and requires no special equipment, except a good set of running shoes. To burn maximum calories you can add intensity by building in sprints and running up hills. If you have had a break from exercise, you will have to build your fitness up with brisk walking and light jogging.

3. Elliptical Trainer
Using an elliptical trainer not only gives you an intensive fat-burning cardio workout, but it is also one of the few exercise machines that works both your upper and lower body at e same time. As you power the foot pedals round in a circular motion, your arms are pumping in and out as you push and pull the hand levers. An elliptical trainer also provides a low-impact workout as your feet do not leave the pedals, meaning less stress and strain on your body.

4. Step Aerobics
A step aerobics class is a great way to meet new people, have fun and burn a stack of calories at the same time. This intense workout is done to music and incorporates a platform which you step on and off while doing a variety of exercises. If you have ever run up and down stairs for a prolonged period of time, you can appreciate how demanding a workout step aerobics will be.

5. Playing Tennis
Racquet sports such as tennis and squash provide an amazing cardio workout due to the speed of the ball that you are chasing. If you can find a playing partner with a similar level of ability who challenges you, then you are in business. Playing sport can be a lot more fun than regular exercise, but boy can it burn those calories.

Now you know what are the best cardio exercises for losing weight, I urge you to try as many cardio exercises as you can, in order to find something that you enjoy that gives you results. Combine it with a well balanced diet and watch the pounds drop off.

Would you like help to lose weight and keep it off for good? Maybe you are looking to lose the beer belly or lose weight after pregnancy and want to discover the top ways to lose weight fast [] then I can help. My online weight loss resource offers you the opportunity to sign up for free weight loss tips []. Lose weight and feel great today.

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